Business Cards & Lasting First Impressions

Everyone knows how important first impressions are. A bad first impression is likely to linger in one’s mind far longer than a really good one. It’s not all about appearance and charisma with first impressions, although that certainly does help. Think about it- I bet you can recall many people you’ve met that certainly stick out and not necessarily in a good way.


In business, one of the most under utilized weapons to ensure a lasting, and good, first impression is the business card. It is your defense against leaving a bad first impression. A well designed, colorful business card reflects your business and personality while providing needed information. I cannot recall how many plain white stock, one color text, down right boring business cards I have seen. To top that off- I can’t even recall whose business cards they were or even a business name! Didn’t leave me with a lasting good first impression. There may be a few business cards you’ve collected in a desk drawer somewhere right now, and I would bet there are cards just like this in there.

Arrowhead RV Business Card Battleaxe Ranch Business Card






Carter Pickup Business Card

• All Cards Shown were Re-designed by Jeide Designs. Printing was done by
(division of Jeide Designs).


Business cards sit on desks just waiting to be taken. They are mailed out with invoices. They are handed out like candy. You want people who receive your business card to not only have your information, but you want them to remember that card! People are more likely to recall a
  great piece of art just based on the painting or picture, but they may not remember the artist right away. With a great business card design, your information becomes a little piece of art people carry with them- and they always have your name.


Your card should be as unique as you and your business are. Try to use vibrant colors that compliment your logo, typography that has personality, and always remember to include information you want people to remember, i.e. contact name, phone number, website, email, etc. Don’t forget you can use the backside of the card. Again, how many business cards do you have stuffed somewhere that only utilized one side? You are dealing with prime real estate here so make the most of it. Fold – over business cards are unique and provide a lot of space for information.

JM Construction Fold-Over Business Card

Paper weight can play a huge factor in your good first impression quest. You wouldn’t want your colorful, vibrant, awesome new business card printed on the thinnest paper so it wobbles in the slightest breeze. It would be like a limp handshake! You want nice, thicker stock that has weight to it (10pt, 14pt, or 16pt Cover Stock). Coatings can make great impressions too. Shiny, glossy coatings (UV Gloss) are slick to the touch and help protect your card. Soft, matte finishes (AQ Matte) add
  a touch of sophistication & luxury. You will want to consider coatings based on how your business card will be used. Maybe one side of your business card is to be written on, say for appointments or notes. You wouldn’t want gloss coating on that side because it is difficult to write on. Uncoated or matte finishes (Uncoated or AQ Matte) would be ideal for writing on. Coating options are abundant- one side glossy, one side matte. One side matte, one side uncoated and so on.


Make sure you order plenty of cards. Send them out with your invoices, ask other businesses if you can leave your cards there, and hand them out like candy. Networking is a great way to get your name out there, and your newly designed, vibrant, artful business card is sure to make a lasting first impression.


Thanks For Reading!


Jeide Designs





Postcard Direct Mail Marketing…WHY?

Custom Postcard Design - Artist Postcard

Sending postcards as a main form of your marketing budget may be a great idea. Why would you want to use postcards anyways? Well here are (7) great reasons to use them in your marketing toolbox.

1. They are the least expensive form of direct mail, to create, print and mail.
2. They are the highest ROI form of marketing. (based on business surveys)
3. Businesses surveys have also shown that postcards are at the top of their pick list for marketing materials.
4. You don’t have to worry if they are being opened to view, no envelopes to have to open. It’s almost impossible to throw away a postcard when sifting through the mail without looking at it to see the message.
5. There is no do-not-send direct mail list. No limitations.
6. Postcards are a great addition to your other marketing tactics.
7. Direct mail can be targeted to different lists (residential, commercial, geographical etc…)

 Ok, so they are a good idea, but how do you make sure they succeed?

Here are (10) steps to postcard success:

1. Start with a “Big Idea”

2. Decide on what to offer.
• What will make them respond?

3. Identify list
• Who would be interested in receiving this message?

4. Select an eye catching image for front
• Must grab attention
• image needs to support the headline text
• make image funny, pretty, attractive.. something they would find interesting.

5. Craft your headline.
• make it easy to read in one (1) glance
• make it interesting

6. Clarify your message
• Dumb down the message, make it simple.

7. Designing a postcard
• Contact Jeide Designs and Printing: Email Us

8. Include tracking
• Landing page (promotional web page)
• Coupon code offer
• Bring in postcard offer

9. Launch postcard

10. Track responses in your customer list
• eliminate customer names of returned / undelivered cards… keeping list clean.
• organize tracking into ROI results

Custom Postcard Design Example - Art Gallery

Here are a few business to business list firms:

So, when would be a good idea to utilize this form of marketing? Here are (15) different ideas to keep in mind.

  1. Events
  2. Invitations
  3. Announcements
  4. Booth Location
  5. Follow-Up Cards
  6. Product Announcement / Pricing Announcement
  7. Website launch or Activity
  8. Referral Requests
  9. Coupon or Discounts
  10. Proven Success (Awards, nomination, achievements, testimonials)
  11. Build Lists
  12. Thank You Cards
  13. Mystery Message Cards (split message into multiple cards, customer must then keep all to know complete message)
  14. Personal Cards (events, holidays, announcements, etc…)
  15. Notifications

I hope that the information above helps those personal and business out there better their marketing efforts and help you to utilize one of the best tools of today, the almighty postcard.

Please contact Jeide Designs and Printing for all your design needs and for high impact printing services. Save more money then thought possible by dealing with Jeide Designs and Printing today.

Thanks for Visiting.

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